Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rain, rain go away!

Rain, rain, go away!

So this week started off good, we had some sunshine so we sowed peas, tomatoes, parsnips, beets, and chard. Our fourth apprentice arrived as well, so now we are two girls and two boys (Sarah and I, Gabe and Josh). But then it started to rain. It rained for five days straight! I had to start doing evening chores, so I lift bails of hay, fill feeders the drive the animals group by group to the barn. So I often am trotting in mud after the animals.

Most of this week we dug a ditch, fixed seed flats, fixed sieves, wheeled barrows, cleaned out the out-house, built compost, fixed pvc irrigation pipes and lots of organizing of this and that.

Friday we sheared four and a half sheep by hand! We wrestled them down, used the hand-shears to clip down the middle (the belly) then slowly clip around to the back then to the front, it was great! One sheep was left as a half because it got dark on us.

On Saturday we studied more about bio-dynamics and the cycles of seasons and plants. It was great to have a nice discussion about it and study. I hate school but I love the farm and studying this work.

This week was a low-key week all in all not much going on because of the rain. I was wet and cold most of the week, then a church member friend here let me use her washer and dryer! So thankfully at the end of a wet, muddy week all my clothes are now clean, dry, and fresh!

Cheers to the invention of dryers!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I LOVE a good dryer myself.
    You sound very happy. Keep up the good work.
